Monday, December 29, 2014

Goodbye 2014, Hello 2015

Merry Christmas, everyone. I hope this holiday season has begun with many blessings and fond memories for all of you.

It looks like 2014 is just about over, and I have to say that I'm going to miss it. I feel like I've matured a bit, but there were still plenty of times when I was able to relax and be a kid. Since I will be turning twenty-one in 2015, there is a part of me that feels as if I'll never have another year quite like the one I'm leaving behind. Hence, this New Year is rather bittersweet.

But that doesn't mean there isn't plenty to look forward to. Next week I'll be starting school as a full-time student working towards an Associate degree in English Literature, which I hope to apply to my writing. I'll also be working hard to finish the third book in The Last Abecedarian Series, and I've got lots of big ideas for this particular novel. Then, of course, growing up doesn't mean I can't still have my own adventures with friends and family. Hopefully there will be lots of interesting stuff to read on this blog in the months ahead.
Just for fun, I decided to post my list of New Year Resolutions. I'm already doing some of these things, but I want to improve how I do them this year.

1. Learn to manage my time wisely
2. Set aside time for writing every day
3. Make a concerted effort to study for memory, not just for tests
4. Spend more bonding time with my siblings
5. Grow a garden and actually harvest/can the produce
6. Learn to cook with and enjoy eating said produce
7. Re-learn to draw
8. Read more spiritual books and attend Mass/confession more often
9. Update this blog frequently (and with interesting posts+pictures)
10. Do something I've never done before

There are many more things I'd like to add to the list, but I think this is enough for now. I'll probably have my hands full just trying to accomplish what little there is here.

What about you? Anything special on your New Year Resolutions list?

Have a good holiday and enjoy the rest of your Christmas Season.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Welcome Coda

Little Coda has finally come to live with his new family, and we're all very happy to have him. This is the best picture we've managed to take, so this is the only one I'll be using for a while, ha ha. His name means "repeat" in music lingo, which is fitting since he is mostly the same breed as Samson, but we're still trying to decide if we want to spell it like the cub in Brother Bear (Koda). 

However, he is not an identical copy of Samson. The name is appropriate because Samson was a Rhodesian Ridgeback as well, mixed with a few other things, and Coda is the second puppy our whole family will raise. This is the first time we've ever had a pure-bred animal, so it will be interesting to see if he grows up with all the characteristics of his breed.

Rhodesian Ridgebacks are native to South Africa where they were trained for hunting lions and acting as guard dog. They are pretty big, up to twenty-seven inches at the shoulder, and are very muscular. But they also have sweet temperaments and make great for kids.The reason they're called ridgebacks is because the hair along their spine grows in the opposite direction, creating a unique pattern that looks guessed it...a ridge. Photo taken from the American Kennel Club's website.

Our other dog, Delilah, is not taking to Coda very well, but that is to be expected considering she's been the baby of the family for seven years. Hopefully she'll warm up soon. When she does, I'll try to take a picture and post it online.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Daughter of Aero is Published!

It's finally happened. Daughter of Aero is published and available for purchase on Now I can spend the rest of December as unproductively as possible before beginning work on book three in January.

Thank you for all your patience and support during this process. I sincerely hope you enjoy this second installment in The Last Abecedarian Series.

Happy reading!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Proof Copy

Just thought you might like to see the proof copy. As soon as I'm done editing this, I'll press the publish button. Almost there!

Happy Thanksgiving

This is a little bit late, but my computer had to be fixed last week. I just wanted to wish all of you a happy Thanksgiving and a good start to the holiday season. There are many blessings in life, and I'm grateful for every single one in mine.

My family stayed home this year, but the day was still eventful and filled with memories — like when our stove caught on fire as Dad pulled out the turkey. time we'll use the counter-top roaster. We saved the bird, but our quiche and green bean casserole were toast. The mood was lightened considerably when my Dad (who is partially deaf and can't hear every fire alarm in the house going off) stood fanning the smoke long after the noise died asking "is it off yet?" I'm thankful that I have a family with enough humor to let me share that story, ha ha. 

This was also the first year I didn't really have to cook anything. Both of my sisters have reached an age where they can read and understand recipes, so they kicked me out of the kitchen while they practiced their new skill. All I had to do was sit at the counter and answer questions when one of my handwritten notes didn't make sense to them.

After dinner, we piled into my parents' room and watched Happy Thanksgiving Charlie Brown and Night in the Museum 1 and 2. Seeing Robin Williams on screen after his death earlier this year made me think of his family and how awful they must feel on their first Thanksgiving without him. Hopefully God will help them heal. I'm sure the holidays will never be the same for them again, and it hurts to think of anyone going through that kind of pain. I hope that same comfort will be received by all who've lost a loved one and are still going through the stages of grief.

Then, of course, I went Black Friday shopping with my friends (on Black Friday...not on Thanksgiving). Along with being a good opportunity to check off some items on my Christmas gift giving list, I always like hanging out with my girls on this long as no one makes me get up at 0:30 in the morning. The photo below was taken by my dear friend and fellow blogger, A.M. Wied.

Family, good friends, and good food — like I said...lots to be thankful for. 

How was your Holiday?

Monday, November 24, 2014

Daughter of Aero Cover Picture

Ta-da! My friend and writing partner/photo shop wizard has sent me the finished cover photo for Daughter of Aero. Thank you very much, Ms. A.M. Wied.

The next item on my to-do list is to upload the book file and order a proof copy. It won't be long now, dear readers.  

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Daughter of Aero Review — Beta Reader #1

Daughter of Aero is currently going through the beta reading process, and I asked my two readers to please send me a few thoughts on the story that I can post here. Here is what Beta Reader #1 has to say. I promise I only edited this review enough to delete a few spoilers, ha ha.

"Awesome!!! I love this book! The interaction between the characters is very well done. I especially like the fact that Katie is writing three or four different stories and manages to make sense of it all and bring the stories together. In a lot of books, the writer has a hard time dealing with two POV's but Katie deals with three to four at any given time and rocks it."

"This book is also unique in the fact that a reader of any age will enjoy it. Little kids in my house just love Katie's book and so do the older teens (such as your's truly). Katie has put some pretty deep stuff in her book, such as the Christian belief in one God and the belief in Satan and Satanic influences, but has kept these aspects of the book simple enough for younger children to understand."

"I could hardly put the thing down after she gave it to me and read it all in one day. I'm not sure that I can be patient enough to wait for her to write the next one."

An update will follow when Beta Reader #2 sends his thoughts. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

New Addition To The Family

Some readers may remember that my family's dog, Samson, died this past August. It was pretty hard for everyone, but we've been coping well. We still miss him, but we're ready to move on and stretch our hearts a little bit more for a new addition to our troupe. So we contacted a Rhodesian Ridgeback breeder in Washington, and our next puppy was born a few days ago. Here is a picture they sent us of the newborn bundles of cuteness.

My family is considering the name Koda, after the little cub from Brother Bear. What do you think?

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

You Might Be A Writer If...

Recently I've had the pleasure of stumbling across Messy Mondays on YouTube. These videos are all very funny, but if I had to pick a favorite it would be this one right here.

It's inspired me to try and come up with my own "If" list. So here goes.

You Might Be a Writer If...

1. Instead of insulting people, you go home and make them villains or monsters in your latest story. Or the village depends on how mad they made you.

2. Although you may use them from time to time, "words" like LOL, ROTFLOL, YOLO, and #anything outside of personal social networking make you want to cover your dictionary's ears.

3.  You cry when you write your own character's death scene.

4. You go into cardiac arrest when a real live spider crosses your path, but your dream job is slaying horrifying monsters in a fictional world.

5. You think Coffee has water in it, so it counts.

6. You can't remember where you put  anything, but you have all your notes and drafts organized perfectly in your laptop and/or binder.

7. You're one reason thinking while driving should be illegal.

8. When the inspiration is flowing, cookies and milk are a balanced meal.

9. You start basing your opinion of music on how it relates to the story you're working on at the time.

10.  You've had your friends and family read so many drafts that they feel like lab rats by now.

11. You and your local coffee shop barista are on a first name basis.

12. You have you own special chair in said coffee shop — right next to the outlet.

13. If you ever find someone sitting in that chair, refer to #1.

14. You have an opinion on lined paper and word fonts.

15. Your internet search history looks like the content index for 1000 Ways to Die for Dummies.

16. You get excited when you find real typewriters in antique shops.

17. Writer's block feels like Multiple Personality Disorder, because you're arguing with the creative voices in your head.

18. No matter how bad writer's block gets, or how many negative reviews you receive, you know you will never stop writing. The creative voices won't shut up if you do...

There you have it. At least, these are the ones I've thought of. If you have something you'd like to add, please comment below. I'd love to hear what you think.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

First Impressions of Canada

It's official! I'm a globe trotter! This past week, I visited a foreign country for the first time — Canada. My aunt and uncle live there, and I flew to Alberta in order to pay them a much overdue visit. Here is a brief summary of my trip, with lots of pictures.

I'll start my story with describing the baggage claim area. There was one little football display in a corner of the room, but everything else was hockey, Hockey, HOCKEY! Let me tell you, I've heard that Canadians love their hockey, but I didn't realize just how much they loved it until then. It's like you walk through customs, and then BAM! Welcome to Canada! Coming from a country that loves football more than just a little bit, this sight caused me to literally laugh out loud (in a good way...I'm easily entertained). Hope the border agent didn't hear me...

Next my aunt took me to Tim Horton's, a beloved Canadian coffee/sandwich/pastry chain, and I have to say I'm sold. No, I'm not going to go on and on about everything I ate as well as what I saw, but I am going to take a moment to say this. The food was delicious. Two thumbs up from me.

Then we went to the West Edmonton Mall, which is the largest mall in North America and the tenth largest in the world. Most of the time I'm not a mall person unless I'm with friends, but this place is almost an inclusive resort. It contains a theme park, a water park, a hotel, a movie theater, a full sized skating rink (apparently the term skating automatically implies ice there), and a lagoon with a life size replica of the Santa Maria and a sea lion show. I didn't try to count the stores. 



 Afterward I spent a lovely week with my aunt and uncle in their home in the country. Here are a few scenic pictures of the area. 

Even with all the fun things I experienced in Edmonton, I think this was my favorite portion of the trip. The community was tight-knit and warmly greeted me as if I was already one of their own, making me feel right at home. Even though this was my first visit and I only stayed a week, I don't think they've seen the last of me.



 My cousins' tree fort —>
  Photo credit goes to Cousin H




 <— Photo credit to Cousin H

Finally, my aunt and I spent my last night in Edmonton so we could have a girls' night out and see the
sights on Whyte Avenue. It's a really cute shopping center with lots of nook-and-cranny type stores, as well as cool little pubs and bars. I must confess that the latter was especially interesting to me, because the legal drinking age in Canada is eighteen. Therefore, I had the unique
experience of dining in an Irish pub for the first time. It will be a few more months before I can do that here, so I guess I'll have to exercise some patience now that I've had a taste of
"freedom." Ha ha.

Just before I left, my aunt asked me if Canada lived up to my expectations. The honest answer to that question is no, but only because I didn't have expectations to "live up to" in the first place. Canada is a country I've wanted to visit for a long time, but the draw was more my family than because I had a burning desire to be a tourist. I simply hadn't thought much about it, that's all. Well, it definitely surprised me with its beauty, and it's people doubled that beauty with their friendliness.

I think I can say that it gave me expectations by the time I left.