Monday, December 22, 2014

Welcome Coda

Little Coda has finally come to live with his new family, and we're all very happy to have him. This is the best picture we've managed to take, so this is the only one I'll be using for a while, ha ha. His name means "repeat" in music lingo, which is fitting since he is mostly the same breed as Samson, but we're still trying to decide if we want to spell it like the cub in Brother Bear (Koda). 

However, he is not an identical copy of Samson. The name is appropriate because Samson was a Rhodesian Ridgeback as well, mixed with a few other things, and Coda is the second puppy our whole family will raise. This is the first time we've ever had a pure-bred animal, so it will be interesting to see if he grows up with all the characteristics of his breed.

Rhodesian Ridgebacks are native to South Africa where they were trained for hunting lions and acting as guard dog. They are pretty big, up to twenty-seven inches at the shoulder, and are very muscular. But they also have sweet temperaments and make great for kids.The reason they're called ridgebacks is because the hair along their spine grows in the opposite direction, creating a unique pattern that looks guessed it...a ridge. Photo taken from the American Kennel Club's website.

Our other dog, Delilah, is not taking to Coda very well, but that is to be expected considering she's been the baby of the family for seven years. Hopefully she'll warm up soon. When she does, I'll try to take a picture and post it online.

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