Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Word Nerd Charts

Hello, everyone. Life has been insanely busy lately, so I haven't really done anything I can blog about in the last few weeks. Homework has been replaced with a comfortable routine of writing, sewing Scandinavian costumes for my dance group, and hanging out with friends. However, I also promised myself that I wasn't going to completely neglect this blog during summer vacation.

I "liked" The Writer's Circle on Facebook, so I get lots of helpful, inspirational updates in my newsfeed. Lately, they've been sharing several vocabulary charts that I find helpful when editing for grammar and word redundancy. Someday I'd like to print them all out and hang them up in my dream library/office, but, for now, I'll just share them with you. If you like to write, or if you just like words, maybe you'll find them helpful and inspiring as well.



  1. Oh my goodness, this is AWESOME reference material! What a great find! :-)

    1. Isn't it though? I just about died of happiness when I found the fight scene chart.

      Wait until you see the character/plot development charts I'm posting next time. ;-)
