Saturday, December 7, 2013

November Favorites

Hello out there, I haven't posted anything for a while because life has been pretty crazy of late. But I'm currently snowed in, which gives me lots of time to surf the internet and watch Netflix write a new post. So here I sit, with a pile of St. Nicholas Day coins (or what's left of them) beside my computer, music playing in the background, and snow falling softly outside the window. What more can a girl ask for?

Since I haven't really been doing anything besides working, writing, and Black Friday shopping, I'm going to steal an idea from a blogger friend of mine and give you a November Favorites post. Hopefully you enjoy this random list of things and/or little memories that stand out for me from last month.

Favorite Memory
First off, my favorite memory...getting the Hades scared out of me two days before Thanksgiving. My Aunt asked me to pet sit/house sit for her during Thanksgiving week, and my friends and I were planning a couple nights of bachelorette fun starting that Tuesday. Well, my friend, Rach, texted me that morning and apologized, saying she couldn't make it after all. Oh well, life happens, right?

As it so happens, that Tuesday was also my first night alone in a house by myself.  My friend, Ashley, would be joining me later, but I wasn't supposed to pick her up until 8:30; and it got dark long before then. Now, I'm not afraid of the dark, but I'd heard stories of strangers breaking into houses which they knew only had one person occupying it — especially when that one person is a girl. Therefore, I locked all the doors and windows and closed the blinds so that no one could look in and see who was staying there. Might be overcautious, but I wasn't taking the chance that I would be that one random girl who gets mugged and robbed for whatever reason. Personally, I blame Rach's boyfriend, who likes to reference the movie Taken when Rach and I talk about travelling. Ha ha.

Anyway, about 7:30, someone knocked on the door, and the dogs started barking. I wasn't expecting anyone; and, as far as I knew, nobody knew I was staying there. But everyone who would be welcome in the house knew my Aunt was gone for Thanksgiving. So, I had no idea who was on the other side of that door, and my only weapon would have been a kitchen knife if it was mugger. Needless to say, my heart jumped into my throat, and the only thought running through my mind was "how do I take this person out if they're a bad guy?" Seriously, I was running through every bit of advice I've ever been given on how to make a mugger hurt.

I opened the door, being careful to stand where the HUGE golden retriever I was pet sitting would get to the stranger before he could get to me, and I peeked outside. It was Rach, throwing her arms open and shouting "Heeeey! Surprise!" I was too relieved it was her and not a stranger that I didn't even think to be mad.

Instead, I did what any good friend would do. I helped Rach scare Ashley when we went to pick her up. One for all and all for one, right? Right.

By the way, I'm never watching Taken now.

Favorite Song
Well, now that I've used up so much space with my tale, it's time to mention a song that this list wouldn't be complete without. Waiting for Superman by Daughtry has to be my favorite song right now. The part where it says "He got stuck at the Five and Dime, saving the day" especially touched me. Just because Superman hasn't shown up yet (and I think this goes for a lot of single ladies) doesn't mean he's not coming ever. He just got "held up a bit," doing God's will. You will meet him in God's own good time. That's my interpretation of the song, anyway.

Favorite Movie
Thor 2: The Dark World. Not only is Thor just plain awesome, Loki isn't bad either. I won't put any spoilers in this post, but I will say that it had a much stronger storyline than the last movie. Not to mention, the brotherly bond between Loki and Thor is much more developed. It's sort of like Thor 1 was the prologue, whereas Thor 2 is the actual novel. Or maybe 1 was the prequel to 2. You get the idea.

Favorite Scent
Okay, this is not a section that's going to appear on every favorites list, because I hardly ever wear perfume. But last month I did splurge and buy a small bottle of "fragrance mist" from Bath and Body Works (apparently there's a difference between mist and perfume *shrugs shoulders*). It's called Cranberry Twinkle, and it is oh-my-gosh good. The scent is very light, not at all overpowering, but it's not so light that you can't smell it two minutes after you put it on. Two or three squirts in the general area of your neck will ensure that the smell stays for a long time. It's sort of a sugary cranberry aroma. You can smell like Christmas without smelling like a bad pine air freshener or a cookie all day long. It's not that expensive either, $6 for the 3oz bottles. Like I said, I don't wear it a whole lot; so that's the perfect size for me, and it will last for a while. Okay, now I'm done sounding like a commercial — I just had to put that in there for all my girl friends.

Okay, I think that's it for November. Honestly, I haven't had much time for more. Hopefully December will be even more fun. And, of course, I'm still going to blog about all the extra things in my life I think you might enjoy hearing about. Merry Christmas!

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