Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The 6 Second Challenge

This is a handout one of my teachers distributed in class towards the beginning of the term. It was relevant to a talk she gave about time and stress management, and the point was that we can do a lot in six seconds. Going to school and staying busy doesn't mean family and friends have to be neglected. I just thought it was inspirational and wanted to share with all of you. I'd credit the author, but I can't find this anywhere online, and I have no idea who wrote it.

6 Second Challenge

In 6 seconds you can kiss someone like you mean it.
In 6 seconds you can hold open a door.
In 6 seconds you can wait for a little straggler to catch up. "I'll wait for you," you can even say.

In 6 seconds you can take a deep breath.
In 6 seconds you can let it go. "It's not worth it," you can say.
In 6 seconds, you can throw away that picture, that pair of pants, that inner bully that keeps you from loving this day, this you.

In 6 seconds you can feel the sunshine.
In 6 seconds you decide it's time to stop looking back.
In 6 seconds you can whisper, "It's gonna be okay," to yourself or someone who's scared.

I used to sound like a broken record. "I don't have time," I would always say. But then I realized what could happen in a mere 6 seconds. 

It's enough to make a bad day good...
It's enough to bring life back to your weary bones...
It's enough to change someone's story...
It's enough to remember what really matters in the midst of so much that doesn't. 

I think these are moving words, especially this close to Lent. Perhaps that association might be a bit of a stretch, considering this isn't a religious poem, but it is about remembering what's important in the midst of a crazy world. In 6 seconds, you can whisper a short prayer or turn your heart towards God. You can just take a moment to remember why you're here on earth.

Anyway, I'll leave you with those thoughts this morning. Happy Wednesday, everyone!

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